I have been using crystals for emotional healing on and off for several years. Crystal collecting is something I began to do years ago. I was in a low, feeling isolated, targeted by others at work, and just generally down in the dumps. So I started collecting crystals. If you’ve walked into a crystal shop, you’ve probably heard how about certain crystals helping with stress, warding off negative energy, and generally having what sound like magical powers. Crystals don’t have magical powers, but the do have healing properties.
Coming from the earth, these crystals have powerful vibrations, and connect us back to the earth. They pick up on your own energy, and amplify your positive energy. Some may say this sounds like mumbo jumbo, having no basis in science, but the idea makes sense to me. What is good comes from the earth (think vegetables, medicine derived from plants etc), so why shouldn’t crystals, which are pure minerals, have some ability to help shift your mindset? That’s the way I look at it. So yes, I believe that crystals for emotional healing is beneficial.
When I was in a local crystal shop, I felt at peace. The crystals came in some many beautiful forms–small, tumbled stones, natural cluster formations, towers and pyramids, even spheres. Some had been cut into the shape of a heart, others had words etched into them such as love, healing, faith. And the colours! Clear as glass, soft pink, royal blue, deep purple, milky white, pure black. I felt better just being in the presence of such natural beauty.

Crystal Healing
I am not a crystal healer or expert. I am still very new at collecting crystals, and am learning more all the time. Please be sure to do your own research if you are interested in crystal healing.
In the beginning, I simply carried the crystals around and wore them. I chose crystals I thought were beautiful, that were I was drawn to, which is the best way to chose a crystal, and I also chose ones known to assist with stress, or boosting inner strength. Did they help me feel better? I think so. But I also now believe that I gave up on crystals for emotional healing because I did not do sufficient research into the topic. I simply trusted that the crystals would know their job and do it. However, crystal healing is a bit more complex. I have since learned they need to be programmed with an intention. You have to ask your crystal to help you, and tell it what you need it to help with, which was a thought that never really occurred to me.

All of this aside, I think the simple act of collecting crystals was positive way to practice self care. It got me thinking about taking time out for myself, to step away from the stresses of the day and take a few moments to simply be. Holding a crystal, gazing into the bright colours, feeling it in my hands, brought me a lot of peace. It was like a mini meditation. I simply was in those few moments I would take to look at my crystals and hold them, my mind would empty of worry and anxiety. It was truly a wonderful feeling. Shopping for crystals is also extremely calming I find. There are so many to look at, so many shapes and types, and colours. Being surrounded by all that natural beauty was a breath of fresh air, like a walk in a wooded park.

Beginner Crystals
If you are interested in crystals for emotional healing, there are some must haves for the beginner in crystal healing. Some of them are actually favourites of mine. Try amethyst for calming harsh emotions and bringing about self control. It’s a great crystal to help with de-stressing. Rose quartz inspires feelings of love and friendship and can help release pent up emotions. Black tourmaline is excellent for deflecting negative energies, and one I relied on when I had toxic co-workers. Selenite is a wonderful crystal for shifting negative emotions as well as bringing about clarity of mind. It’s a very delicate stone however, so be sure to handle very carefully. Blue lace agate is a beautiful banded stone, calming to behold and helps to settle an overactive mind and to bring about feelings of belonging in the world.
Related Article: 6 Powerful Crystals to Have in Your Healing Kit
Start your collection with a few crystals. Chose stones that you are drawn to, and learn about the various ways you can use them. Don’t let others touch your crystals, and be sure to cleanse them from time to time. It’s a spiritual journey so be patient as you learn more about your crystals, and how to use them. I’m still learning, so I hope to share more with you on this topic from time to time.
Enjoy your journey into crystal healing!
Do you use crystals for emotional healing? Share your thoughts and experience in the comments below.
Thank you for this informative article, Giulia! I have been into crystals for a while now and have found them to be so helpful in my own emotional healing. It’s great to see someone else talking about the benefits of crystals in such a positive light. Thanks for sharing!
Amber recently posted…Best 6 Crystals for Emotional Healing
So glad I can contribute to talking about energy work and crystals!