Crystals for self care? Yes, they are perfect for self care. I love crystals. I haven’t talked about them too much on this blog because I wasn’t sure where crystal healing fit into my niche, but the more I delve into this blog, into crystal healing and self care, the more I have come to realize that since crystals are powerful healing tools, that they are definitely an important part of self care.
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Whether you are into the spiritual side of crystals (their healing properties) or not, I believe that crystals can be a powerful part of your self care routine. Being natural pieces of the earth, they make for great decor, and like so many things that come from the earth, like plants, are soothing to have in the home. A few pieces of varying sizes and similar colour can make a great addition to your decor in your living space, or your office. Personally, I have a crystal nook in my closet. I like having a quiet place to go to be with my crystals. Sometimes, I will hold one, other times I just like admiring them, and when I feel especially in need of self care, I will take a piece to hold and sometimes meditate with. I have often felt their uplifting vibrations affecting my mood, calming me down, or allowing me to clear my tired and confused mind.

Crystals for self care, Stress and Ancient Beliefs
It may seem an odd idea, that a small piece of rock can reduce your stress. But crystals have been used since ancient times for healing both of the mind, and the body. Holding crystals, or placing then on your body allows your body’s energy to align with the positive energies of the crystal, or your body’s chakra. Crystal healing and usage can be traced back to anicent Sumeria, and the ancient Chinese were known to use them as early as the 3rd millennium BC. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Mayans also used crystals for healing rituals. Interestingly enough, many of these peoples never would have come into contact with each other, and yet all turned to crystal healing and some cultures even attribute similar properties for the same crystals. So, there is likely more than placebo effects at play when it comes to crystal healing. Because crystals vibrate at a certain energy, they therefore can affect your body’s energy, as perviously stated, and calm and soothe both mind and body. This is why I believe crystals are a great form of self care. Many are known to be soothing, calming, to block negative energies, to uplift the spirt and release negative emotions.

Crystals are not Magic
I am not here to tell you that crystals that magic. I believe that they can help you if you are open to their energies, and I have felt comforted by crystal healing. This didn’t mean that all the stress in my life simply vanished into thin air. It meant that I had set an intention to reduce stress in my life and that certain crystals helped me fulfill that intention by keeping me grounded, blocking negative energy and keeping my spirits high. They enhanced the work that I was doing to improve my stress levels. Crystals compliment and enhance your journey in self care by being a strong force of your own intention through it’s own natural energies, and thus crystals for self are a wonderful tool. Crystal work should allow you to feel peaceful and centred, thus reducing stress and assisting in self care.
A Part of Nature
If none of this sounds like you, that’s fine. There are many reasons why people may not believe in the power of crystal healing, and personally, I think that is okay. We are all on different journeys. However, I do believe that they can be a great part of your self care even if you are not into crystal healing. Crystals are apart of nature, they come from the earth, and sometimes we spent too much time out of nature. It’s easy to, as most of us live in urban areas and our homes are filled with man made materials like computers, ovens, bright lights etc. Bringing a crystal into your home is bringing in a bit of nature into your home, and in that way, is self care as it naturally beautifies your home. In this respect, I think that it can be a part of creating a simple, soothing space and support your self care in that way.

Share your thoughts on crystal healing below!
I’m a big fan of crystals. My interest began over this passed summer and it just works for me. At the very least, even if you don’t believe in the healing properties, they can be so comforting to just hold and worry in your hand. And you’re right they’re definitely a great home decor element!
Erin recently posted…My 2021 To-Read List + My 2021 Reading Goal
Oh, I’m glad you found crystals!
I’m a huge fan of crystals. They have done wonder For me and my energy. I keep mine on my WINDOWSILL but i love the idea of having a space in a closet. Thank you for sharing.
Basi With Life recently posted…How To Set Up Office – Stylish & Professional.
My pleasure!
Amazing post! I love crystals! I have always felt drawn to them. like you, sometimes I’m happy to just sit and admire them and other times I use them during meditation. They always make me feel better!
Tiffany McCullough – Metaphysical Mama recently posted…How to Fail Forward and Create a Successful Life
They are beautiful and really work wonders.
I’ve seen some people talk about it but I’ve never tried it myself. This is interesting!
Fransic verso recently posted…4 important things that I wish I knew about content marketing
It is very interesting and very beneficial 🙂
I don’t know enough about crystals but I do know that they can be something that really puts focus on healing and self-care. I firmly believe in the power of nature and this is a fascinating element of that. Thank you for sharing!
Molly @ Transatlantic Notes recently posted…Love Yourself Enough (Poem)
Yes, the natural world has so much to offer! I think we forget that.
Great post! I hadn’t really considered crystal healing before but it sounds like they can have a really soothing effect – I might have to get one for my home! Thanks for sharing x
readandreviewit recently posted…As Good As Dead Review
They do indeed have a soothing effect 😊
I love crystals. Thank you for your informative POST. I hope others read this and see the benefits x
Mummy Conquering Anxiety recently posted…Want to have fun on a budget? Need to entertain the kids? Follow my 10 easy steps…
Thank you! Crystals are very special.