I cannot breathe today I am deprived of light and air I cannot breathe today My mind is shut away tight. A part of me is missing A part of me is silent, weeping I cannot breathe today All my hopes and aspirations Seem stuck Stuck in that breath I cannot Draw in- I cannot…
Tag: poems
Sharing a new poem with you today, called Words. Words are powerful, both written and spoken and change our lives.
Burnings is a poem reflecting some of my emotions and one I hope evokes emotion and is thought provoking for you.
Flight is my third poem that I am sharing on this blog; a poem about beauty and magic and freedom as well as life.
Loving Hands
This poem is the second I am publicly publishing on my blog, one that I hope invokes emotion in its readers.
How I Am Taking the Leap Into Creative Writing
Today I am sharing my poem Four Years Old as I re-enter the world of writing creatively.