We don’t always feel beautiful, and that causes our self esteem to take a hit, and I’m no expectation– find out what makes me feel beautiful.
Unpopular Opinion On the Depp/Heard Trial
The Depp vs. Heard trial has left me sad more than just survivors of domestic violence but also for us a society.
Becoming an Antique Book Collector
I’ve become a vintage and antique book collector recently and am finding some really love old editions of classic books.
Summer Plans for My Little Family
Last summer, Baby J grew us from two to three, and this summer plans include a fun outings for our little family.
How I Feel About My Big, Fat Postpartum Body
Many women struggle with their postpartum body image and I am one of them, feeling lost between what my body was and what it is now.
5 More Sexy Beach Reads for Summer
I’ve decided to share more sexy beach reads this year, and I hope that you find something you will love to read this beach season.
Thoughts on Little Women, the Movie
Little Women is perhaps a good film, but in my opinion has some flaws which detract from it being truly enjoyable.
Advertiser of the Month, Sunshine Sarah
This month I’m featuring awesome blogger, Sarah from Sunshine Sarah whose blog really is a ray of sunshine when it comes to life and lifestyle.
To Put a Ring on It, or Not… The Marriage Game Book Review
I love books and history, so historical fiction such as The Marriage Game is right up my reading alley and I hope that you’ll love this too.
Why I Don’t Wear Heels: How Heels Hurt Your Body
Do heels hurt your feet and body? These stylish shoes look amazing but can the cause of many aches and pains.