It’s 2022 and since March of 2020, we have been in the middle of a pandemic and personally, where I live in, in a one form of lockdown or another. From a full out stay at home order to various steps and stages, life has not been normal in a long time. And I hate it. Now, some might argue, this is the new normal. But I reject that as all of these measures were supposed to be temporary. And instead, just as it starts getting better, each time, we take a step or two or even three, backwards, into lockdowns. And I’m honestly just so tired of it.
I want to make it clear, I do not believe that Covid isn’t serious. I am not against vaccines either. But I have questioned the measures governments have taken since the beginning of this pandemic, and I’m at the point where I can’t make sense of any of it anymore. Here are my issues.

Vaccinated and Still in Lockdown
This is my current biggest beef with the measures the Ontario government has taken. If I am not mistaken, over 80% of our population is fully vaccinated (two doses) if not more. You had to present proof of vaccination to dine indoors or work out at the gym. But, early in January 2022, they closed down gyms, schools, and indoor dining again due to Omicron. Caps were also reduced as to how many people could gather indoors (as in guests in your home etc). And I’m having trouble figuring out why. Many of us even have the booster shot, so I’m wondering why we are again being restricted. I don’t believe that yo-yoing between open and closed is sustainable for society, so I’m left puzzling as to the logic of these measures.
Mask Wearing
They say masking helps reduce the spread…I have seriously doubted this since the very beginning, but I do wear masks and am not opposed to them entirely. But in relation to what I discussed above, I am again left dumbfounded as if masking works, coupled with vaccinations and social distancing…why have they locked us down again?? Is it because to eat and work out you need to remove the masks? But then, only those with the vaccines are allowed in those venues, so where’s the logic there? Sure, you can still catch and spread Covid and be vaccinated…but the idea was that it would be less likely and that you’d get less sick. So again, I’m concerned about this measure as it seems that if there are always going to be variants, then we are always going to be masking and locking down and then opening up. At least, based on the trends I’ve seen over the past two years.
Vaccine Mandates
Frankly, I think these are hugely inappropriate. It is up to each individual how to maintain their health. Mandating that people must be vaccinated to work is authoritarian and frightening in my eyes. It is not a measure to protect public health. A measure to protect public health would be ensuring that everyone has access to clean drinking water. Or to vaccines. Not to mandate that people must take vaccines.
Restricting Only the Unvaccinated
Again, authoritarian and frightening. I do not believe, given that the vaccinated can catch and spread Covid, that the unvaccinated are the cause of continuing cases or variants. Nor do I believe that such measures protect the unvaccinated. They are fully aware of the option to vaccinate, have access to vaccines and know the potential consequences to their health should they not vaccinate themselves. It’s up to them to manage their health and activities, not governments. I do not support the government’s actions in these measures at all.

We Live in Strange and Troubling Times
I know that no one could have predicted this pandemic. And I know that no government was equipped with dealing with such a crisis. And I know it’s easy for us on the outside to sit and judge. We are living in strange times, but also I find troubling times. It concerns me deeply to see people divided over vaccines, over mask wearing and to lay the responsibility upon all their peers and neighbours to do things (like wear masking) that their neighbours find problematic, or impossible. It reminds of me when in World War I people gave white feathers to those not enlisted in the war, calling them out, calling them a coward without knowing why a man was not enlisted. Or caring. It troubles me that we are so quick to judge without even trying to understand.
In Conclusion
Writing about the pandemic isn’t something I dove into without serious thought. It’s a polarizing topic. A touchy subject. But is a subject relevant to all of us, and a subject we ought to be looking at critically and seriously. And one is that is highly biased, and has been since the very beginning. I don’t have answers anymore than anyone else, but I thought it was important to put some questions out there, to be honest and say my piece because silence is just as troubling as some the measures I describe as frightening. It indicates that some of us are afraid to speak our minds, lest we be misunderstood, attacked or dismissed. I am not afraid. I’m just muddling through like everyone else, trying to understand why are doing what we are doing. And I’m afraid much of it isn’t for our health and well being, but rather, for policy. And that is deeply troubling too.
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I think a lot of people have the same frustrations and questions as you — I’ve seen a lot of talk about it from people who live in Ontario. I always think we should follow the data and as this is still something epidemiologists and specialists are studying as variants arise, etc. The data is being updated in real time. which We’re not so used to dealing with. Recommendations that change regularly as science learns more can cause distrust or confusion; not to mention the governments seem to make things unclear especially if they don’t follow their own guidelines (like PM Johnson in UK, for example). My husband and I are fully vaxxed, boosted, we mask up and social distance because of his cancer and the fact his airway is restricted and has been reconstructed (among other things) — so getting covid, flu, a cold or general sick bug would be bad for him so we make our own choices based on what’s best for us. Masks are mandatory for entering our home because of all this so I can see why private coprs, orgs and companies are doing it if that’s their policy. It’s a tougher issue I think when governments do it but I wouldn’t say I’m against it — however I do see why people, like yourself have a problem with it and don’t necessarily disagree with your feelings about it. It’s a tough issue, I want people to be safe and healthy and not have to deal with something that could leave someone with long-term issues. It was interesting to read your thoughts and concerns — thanks for sharing them.
Molly Transatlantic Notes recently posted…Unapologetically Celebrating What Brings You Joy (Tag)
Absolutely people have to make the choices they feel are best for them. I am vaccinated myself, even though I had concerns about it. It’s certainly a confusing and even upsetting topic as it is a crisis. Especially when the data is constantly changing. It does cast doubt on things, and I think it’s good to have open discussions because not all the science points to the same thing about the vaccines, and public policy shouldn’t feel like coercion. Thank you so much for weighing in.
This is such a hard tOpic With people having Really strong opinions and polarising posItions on it, so well done For putting yourself out there. I can’t imagine doing another lockdown again and i agree with you that if majority of population are vaccinated and hospitalisations remain low then i don’t see how a lockdown can be juStified.
Nicci recently posted…A Year of Blogging and Procrastinating
It was hard writing this post. I do feel strongly about it. As we all do, and should! I’m just trying to understand how we go forward.
Some great points you’ve made here! These are strange times and making sense of it all is definitely mind boggling.
S.S. Mitchell recently posted…How to reduce sugar intake right now
Agreed. Thanks for reading 😊
I agree 100% with you. Really sorry that you have to go through another lockdown. The UK had one of the toughest one last year, at least for me it was. I never thought how much my mental health could be compromise. It was horrible. I believe everyone needs to understand that this virus is here to stay for a long time, and life must go on. Thank you for writing about this. This has become such a controversial topic. I believe that the situation has segregated people even more than before, instead of bringing all of us together to help each other and That’s sad. Great post.
Yes, the segregation between people because this is so sad. We do need to realize that the virus is here to stay. Continuing these restrictions and lockdowns isn’t going to change that, and it’s causing more harm than good at this point. Children are suffering a lot and no one is talking about that. And what worries me is there is no end in sight to any of these measures–in fact, they keep coming out with more and more absurd measures like taxing the unvaccinated in Quebec. What is that going to solve? It’s very upsetting for me.
I have a lot of the same questions and concerns that you have in regards to the Pandemic. Although i believe that everyone should be vaccinated, i do believe its wrong for the government to impose on the peOples right to choose. Sighs
Riyah speaks recently posted…What Are The 04 Big Areas Of Personal Development For Growth?
Yes, it’s up to the individual to make that choice. Governments that go against those rights are on slippery slopes.
I didn’t realise you were in lockdown at the moment- everywhere has different rules! i’m sorry you don’t agree with some of the measures, I think closing gyms and some other things is such a bad idea for people’s mental health. I think the UK could do with bringing in a few restrictions on bigger things- but they have really lost the trust of the public with recent events!
Eleanor recently posted…8 Tips for Moving in with Someone New
I think a lot of governments are losing our trust. I think they should start accepting that we need normalcy.
I’m all for masks, lockdowns, vaccines, and whatever else is imposed if it means keeping people alive and safe. In the same way I have a flu jab every year and wear gloves at work, I’ll use whatever protection experts recommend regarding covid. With the amount of losses I have experienced, the amount of pain I have seen, and the fear of what the virus would do to someone like me who is considered vulnerable, I have no other choice. I’m completely neutral towards the government, but if they make a law I’ll follow it. And while being locked down has a negative impact on my mental health, I’d much rather be stuck at home for a month and keep loved ones in my life than see more people dying. As for masks, there’s no doubt they’re effective otherwise they wouldn’t have be used in a professional capacity before the pandemic began. It’s no extra effort on my part to wear a mask if it means keeping myself and the people around me safe.
Anika recently posted…4 Tools I’m Using to Stay Organised in 2022
Thanks for weighing in Anika. People here are still getting ill despite masking, which is why I have some doubts. But I understand that the vulnerable like yourself have to take precautions. That’s the hard part about all of this. We are all coming from different places and the constantly changing science makes it polarizing and confusing. I want us to get out of this safely and with our rights and liberalities intact.
I agree with everything you said here! I do worry a lot about how the governments handle the pandemic these two years. I am not against vaccination and I do believe that covid is dangerous but people should be free to choose what they find best for their health. I think it is not a public health issue any more and i do worry a lot about what is happening. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
That’s my concern too, that this has moved beyond a public health issue.