Recently, I wrote an article about how I felt about my postpartum body. Having a baby changes your body in ways that you don’t expect and I have felt fat and ugly as a result of my postpartum body. I have felt dismayed, helpless, hopeless to return to a body that I’m more comfortable in, and have struggled with how to help myself. I felt trapped in a body that I felt was unattractive. But I don’t always feel that way. I don’t always feel fat and ugly, and I do know that change is possible and even in a body that I am uncomfortable in, I do sometimes feel very beautiful. So I want to talk a little about what makes me feel beautiful.

Clothes I Love
Wearing clothes that fit and that I love really makes me feel a lot better about myself as well as making me feel beautiful. I bought myself dresses because I feel more comfortable in loosely fitting clothing, and I honestly was cringing inside at the idea of shorts for the summer time. My summer dresses allow me to feel cool and pretty, and when I bought this cute outfit, I told my husband rather giddily that it made me want to frolic in a meadow.

Skincare and Make Up
Now, every woman feels so much more put together (I think) when they take care of themselves with a skincare and make up routine. I don’t wear make up every day that I’m at home, but I do some days, just like some days I get more dressed up than others. Make up has always made me feel pretty, and right now when I’m uncomfortable with my body, this is especially important.
Hot Shower
Honestly, I feel so much more pretty once I’m showered and clean. I love to apply body cream and put on either a pretty outfit or just a flowy dress and I feel like the most beautiful princess on earth.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a magpie. I love all things that sparkle and gleam. So it’s hardly any wonder that wearing earrings and a ring or two makes me feel a lot more beautiful. Earrings are a must for me, without them I feel naked, and I like to wear a variety of styles from studs to flashy dangles.
What Twitter Says Makes Us Feel Beautiful
I also reached out to Twitter to see what makes others feel beautiful and got some amazing replies. Some are things that also make me feel beautiful. I think many of you likely will as well, which is just a reminder to us all, I think, that we focus on the negative thoughts and feelings we experience far more than the positive. I hope that this article can help us all remember to step back and consider the positive. I received so many responses that I can only include a few here but I thank everyone who shouted out their thoughts to me.

Heidi: Red lipstick and heels.
Christina: Laughing. It’s one of the simplest things and honestly, when I’m feeling happy is when I feel beautiful.
Soffy: When my daughter (5y) tells me I am beautiful because just goes to show she sees me for who I am.
MumLifeandMe: Mediating, eating right, working out and getting my hair done.
Kelly-Diane Report: When I feel good on the inside, I feel it resonates on the outside too.
Penny: Staying true to my authentic self and believing in myself.
Relative Luxury: Genuine connection with others and the world around you. Raising each other up, and being happy in your own skin. Letting your light shine.
Mind Beauty Simplicity Blog: setting boundaries, embracing my natural skin & curly hair & being genuinely happy & laughing.
Renata Leo: Crop tops and dancing!!
Cassie: I feel beautiful when I see myself in pictures with friends/ family laughing my head off. This only works when the pictures are candid, truly capturing a moment.
In Conclusion
Feeling beautiful is a state of mind. Make up does not make us beautiful. Nor do pretty clothes. But feeling like ourselves, being with those we love who allow us to be ourselves, that makes us feel beautiful because ultimately, that is when we are most beautiful: when are comfortable in our own skin and it shows. And that has a sensation throughout our body and mind that results in us feeling beautiful.
Lately I’ve started working towards changing my body and my lifestyle to rid myself of the things that are detracting from me feeling comfortable in my own skin. It’s amazing how already, I feel happier and a lot more pretty. I have days still when I feel like a messy cow, but those days are lessening and I’m beginning to once again, feel more like myself, and more beautiful.
What makes YOU feel beautiful? Share in the comments!
Great post and thank you for linking to my blog and including my commEnts. I Can relate to thr part about feeling fat after habing a baby and some time afterwards. I have struggled both times with my body, its just not the same after babIes. But there are great ways we can make ourselves feel beautiful and more confident like you say. Thanks for sharing. Jade MumLifeandMe
Jade MumLifeandMe recently posted…Night Weaning: How I Did It
My pleasure! I hope it helps others ☺️
Aw, I love this post! It’s so important to think about what we love about ourselves! Make-up definitely makes me feel more confident, and I love wearing a bit of jewellery.
Caroline recently posted…How to attract butterflies to your garden
Yes! The sparkly lol
I love this! Reading other bloggers’ opinions was an amazing experience too!it feels crazy to see my own opinion here too 😀 I think we all need this reminder, thank you so much For sharing gulia X penny |
My pleasure!!!
Lovely post! I always feel beautiful when people appreciate me fOr my strengths and flaws. XoXo ^_^
Fadima mooneira recently posted…BLOGGERS INTERVIEW: WITH IZZY MATIAS
Wearing makeup and dressing up nice makes me feel beautiful! It’s interesting to read what makes other people beautiful individually! x
Lucy recently posted…How Parental Estrangement Has Shaped Me
Yes, it’s been interesting hearing others on this topic.
I love this post! I always feel most beautiful when I take good care of my skin, hair, and body.
Katie recently posted…Dear Dating Bitch: Help! My Post Mastectomy Body is Different Now and it’s Stressing Me Out
Yes, I agree! I always feel so pretty with nice hair and fresh washed skin.
What a wonderful blog post idea to write! Being BEAUTIFUL means different things to people. GettiNg mY nails done makes me feel beautiful as well as having a pamper. Thank you for sharing What makes you feel beautiful.
Lauren x
Lauren recently posted…Meet My 7 August Advertisers
Thanks Lauren! It was cathartic 🥰