A new month, a new advertiser! This month I’m doing things a bit differently, and featuring ONE amazing blogger, Sarah from Sunshine Sarah. I’m going to be really honest and let everyone know that while blogger of the month posts are a lot of fun for us all to read, they are a bit difficult to write as bloggers as it’s not always as simple as let others know you’ll feature them, and the advertisers come flooding in. But I’m actually really exciting to be in this situation as this special feature posts with just one blogger is going to be really in depth.
Who is Sunshine Sarah?

You met Sarah last month in my Meet the Fantastic April Advertisers post, but I’ll dive in a little deeper. She’s a UK blogger who writes a lifestyle blog that is sunshiny to visit (honestly, I love the yellow theme) and writes on a variety of topics from veganism to fashion. The gallery on her blog gives the impression of someone living life to the fullest and loving it. And I love that! I really think we all need to live life to the fullest, experience it and be in the moment. Sarah certainly gives off that vibe to me. As I’ve explored her blog, I’ve discovered everything from posts about running to how TikTok has changed the way we view skincare. And despite how different these topics sound, each of them points to how we live life, and how we feel about who we are.
Posts I Love from Sarah
Now, I have likely said somewhere in my time as a blogger, that I am no big fan of exercise. I have also complained of back pain, issues with my feet etc and the treatments I have sought for those. So running isn’t something someone in my situation is going to do on a regular basis. It would just hurt too much. However, from time to time, I think I would like running. I used to like it as a kid, and I can sprint fairly well. So reading about tips for beginners in running was really interesting to me, even though I am not sure how wise it running would be for my body. I found the tips inspiring, so do check out her post 8 Running Tips for Beginners.

Now, you all know that I big on self care. So when I stumbled across How to Make the Most of Blossom Season, I was immediately delighted by the opening words as they really resonated with my love for nature and how I perceive both spring time and self care. For me, it’s all about bird song and lovely flowers. Sarah then further delights by describing what sort of lovely flowers you can expect to see in the UK as spring blooms, and I have to admit to being envious as it sounds so much more delightful than what I get to see here in urban Canada. If you need something to uplift you, her words might do just that.
Continuing with the delights of spring, Sarah also shares 8 Great Things That Are Coming in Spring, which I thought was just the sweetest as it included baby animals. You all know I’m a pet mom, so of course this brought a smile to my face!
Now, one of Sarah’s newer posts will highlight how versatile her blog topics are, as she also writes about bike insurance for a motor bike! If you are planning a road trip in the UK, Getting Peace of Mind on a Staycation has some great sightseeing suggestions as well.
Interview With Sarah

Question: Tell me a little about you, and how you started blogging.
I started blogging in 2012 where I thought I was going to be a fashion blogger or a beauty blogger – I couldn’t decide so I ended up being a lifestyle blogger which meant I could talk about anything I wanted to without feeling too restrained.
I’ve been writing on SunshineSarahxo ever since and it has developed and grown with me throughout the decades – I recently moved from Blogger to Wix and had a whole new website designed which captures me so well and really encompasses everything I’m about – I’m now proud to direct people towards my website and have brands/readers look at it.
Question: What do you love most about blogging?
I love creating content for people to read and have people tell me that my posts have helped them in some way. When I started documenting my Couch to 5K journey, I didn’t think many people would be interested, I was doing it more for me to be honest. But I was surprised at the amount of people it reached and how interested other people were in following along with my journey!
Question: What is one “take away” you hope readers of the blog experience after being on your site?
Well like I said before, I love it when I get positive feedback from one of my posts/series of posts I’ve written. If readers leave feeling better than when they arrived then I’ve done my job. One of my favourite quotes is “It is better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self” which reminds me that it’s always better to create content that you want to read yourself rather than to write for the public and lose yourself.
Question: Where do you see the blog in two years?
In two years I’d love to still be creating content and helping people to feel better about life.

Final Thoughts
It’s been wonderful getting to know Sarah a bit better and diving into her very interesting content! If you are interested in being a featured blogger, I’d love to hear from you. Diving really deep into a blog has taught me that a lot of blogs have way more to offer me as reader than I otherwise knew–what I mean is, I knew Sarah ran a lifestyle blog, however there are far more topics of interest to me than I knew before this deep dive. I think that’s it is hard to really glean a good understanding of any blog unless you spend a good amount of time on it, and doing so with this (and other blogs) has really given me a better idea of the kind of content provided. I’m sure if you deep dive into her blog, you’ll have the same experience and I look forward to doing more deep dives with other blogs and bloggers.
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