I don’t know what made me sit down and start writing this post. It might be because lately I have had a lot of trouble finding the motivation to blog. Or do anything blog related. I want to do it, but I just feel unable to, as in I don’t know where to start. I put a lot of time into writing posts, and I enjoy that the most, but I feel like I don’t do enough behind the scenes work. Especially when it comes to monetization, which is something I had hoped would be well under way at this point. Not that it’s not okay to have a successful hobby blog, but I’m not even sure I have that.
And that got me thinking about goals and resolutions because, let’s face, it’s that time of year, isn’t it? And while I’ve never been one to push myself to set a bunch of goals for the new year, I have set goals in the past. At any time of year, and sometimes I’ve been successful in meeting them and other times, not so much. In fact, about a month ago I sat down and recorded some goals in my journal, so there is really no point in making New Years resolutions, is there?
Or maybe there is..?
Goals I’ve Already Made
The goals I recorded in my journal are mostly goals I want for myself and my family. Spending more time together as a couple, playing with my baby, getting healthier. I also wrote down some other more personal goals, like delving more into creative writing. And one of those goals reads: Buckle down on the blog.
Buckle Down on the Blog
What does this even mean? I’m always thinking of monetization because I hope that if I ever choose to work part time, that I can have an alternative source of income. But I am still struggling with how to monetize even though I do have an understanding of the steps I need to take. So I obviously need to re-evaluate how to I want to go about turning my blog into a source of income.
I also struggle with social media promotion. I don’t have the time with a baby to sit down and schedule a bunch of tweets, or pin a bunch of pins. I try, but honestly, I just haven’t found a rhythm to it. So that is key to growing an audience and monetizing so maybe I need to focus on that first. Not maybe, rather, it’s the first thing I ought do.
To be honest, I think all of this has been causing me to struggle with content creation for the blog as well.
Resolutions for the New Year
Now, as my thoughts turned towards resolutions for the new year, of course the blog was first and foremost in my mind. But when I stepped back, I realized that I had already made this goal. And that I wasn’t doing much in trying to meet it as I’m spending so much time on writing because I’m struggling so much with ideas for the blog. So I don’t need to set more goals for myself when it comes to the blog. I just need to find my way again–and that’s okay. My life has changed a lot in the past couple of years, and most especially in the last four months, so it’s natural and normal that right now I’m struggling. In fact, I’m very proud that I have managed to continue to create for the blog at all. And I know that I can meet my goal of monetization–just maybe not right now.
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So this year, I’m not making any resolutions. I’m giving myself permission to find my way. And that’s that.
Do you make New Years resolutions? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Best wishes with your goals for monetization for the upcoming year with your Blog! It can be so time-consuming to post and create content for multiple platforms so I totally understand where you’re coming from.
Simply Alex Jean recently posted…Have Yourself A Happy Holiday that is Stress-Free
Thank you! Good to know I’m not alone.
I don’t make new years resolutions because I like to set goals each month instead. I think it’s much easier to achieve them & it doesn’t put pressure on me 🙂 x
Caroline recently posted…Behind The Blogger tag
That’s probably the best thing to do!
I do goals every year but I started this like 4 years ago. I also choose a word of the year and write about how I’m going to apply the word to my life. My word of the year post will be published beginning of next year.
I think it’s okay that you’re not doing a new years resolution this year and just going with the flow. No harm in that.
Oh I like the word of the year! Interesting idea!
I totally understand that you might feel demotivated from time to time and just want to take it easy and find out what happens, or deal with everything that comes in your way. I wish you continue doing the things you love, you stay healthy and enjoy YOURSELF!
You have already accomplished a lot!
Eri recently posted…The Christmas Spirit – What is it all About?
Thank you darling!
I dont like to make new years resolutions but goals and focuses of the year. I like to have personal, blogging and other goals. Thank yoh for sharing. Good luck with achieving your goals. Happy new year. I hope 2022 is good to you.
Lauren – bournemouthgirl
Lauren recently posted…Meet My January Advertisers
I think goals are the way to go!