This blog is largely about self care and personal growth, both of which can lead to greater happiness. I did a lot of growing in my thirties, which was a decade of struggle, and those years inspired me to share my journey into self care and authentic living with others. And over the past few years, I have developed some self care habits that really help me live my best life, even during more challenging periods.
It’s not always easy to take care of yourself. There’s always a reason why putting yourself first isn’t a practice in our lives. Work, family responsibilities, lack of time, lack of money, or feeling like spending money on the self care items is wasteful, these are all reasons why people skip self care and keep pushing themselves into burn out. Some of us might even believe that we don’t need self care. I used to be one of those people. Believe me, we all need self care.
Because I used to fit into the category of not practicing self care, of pushing myself too hard, I thought it would be a good idea to share my best self care practices with you.

Have a Hobby
While I didn’t really practice self care in the past, pushing myself into burn out, I did always have hobbies I loved to do. These hobbies were the only form of self care I had, and brought me a lot of happiness. Likely they kept me from a breakdown–though I did eventually suffer a breakdown due to stress and anxiety. Hobbies are a huge part of my self care because hobbies are about me. My passions, my interests and having these hobbies and time to devote to them relaxes me and helps reduce stress while giving meaning to my life outside of work and family.
Ask for Help
I try to ask for help when I need it. It isn’t always easy, especially since I can’t ask for help from anyone but family. I don’t always like asking for help. But it is important to ask for help when you need it. Sometimes asking for help has led me to some conflict with loved ones, but I think that those minor arguments fostered good communication, and that helped a lot. So don’t be afraid to ask for help. It helps.
Have a Night Routine
If anxiety or stress is interfering with your sleep, and even if it’s not, having a night routine is a really important self care habit. Sleep is very important to our overall health, including our mental health. And having interrupted sleep or insomnia really messes up your emotional well being. When I suffered from insomnia I was constantly exhausted, forgetful and just generally irritated. I was also on the verge of tears a lot of the time. I had to establish a strict night routine and practice good sleep hygiene to break the cycle of insomnia.

Eat Well
Yes, this sounds like a no brainer, but your diet will affect your mood and anxiety levels. Eating a diet rich with veggies and good, natural ingredients is so important. Processed foods with additives and little nutrients aren’t going to do you any favours when it comes to reducing stress and anxiety. It’s really easy when you are stressed to decide that your dinner will chips and dip, but taking the time to make yourself a salad with some grilled chicken or even a tuna sandwich is definitely the smarter choice. Some people meal prep to help with this, but I personally hate meal prepping and my husband and I chose about five meals to make and purchase the ingredients. Then we go day by day and decide what we want to eat, or have time to make. It works for us, and that’s what is important. Finding a way to make healthy eating easier is how you’ll get int the habit of eating well.
Take Days Off Work
Please take days off from work. Find a way to make this happen from time to time if taking time off from your job is hard for you because we all need that little extra time to ourselves. I never feel guilty taking time off from work because I know that my job benefits from me being well rested and less stressed instead of just having me there, exhausted and half assing the day. Work doesn’t care about you, so you have to take care of yourself when work is getting too much, or even if just life is getting too much.
In Conclusion
If you want more happiness in your life, start by looking at your self care. Are your habits consistent? Are your habits in line with your entire self–body, mind and spirit? I’ve shared the best self care habits I practice in my life. Of course, there are others. But these are the ones that I believe really make all the difference. These are the self care habits that allowed me to grow, to reduce stress and anxiety and to realize how important it was to make self care a daily practice and find other self care practices to support my mental health.
Do you practice any of these habits? What self care habits make the difference in your life? Share in the comments below.
These are great self care tips! I also recently started a hobby and its been so nice to have.
Seriah Sargenton recently posted…15 Spooky Christmas Gift Ideas For Her
Hobbies are sooo good for your mental health!
Love this post. Self care is so important. We have to devElop HEALTHY habits to maIntain proper self care haBits. Asking for help is so NECESSARY… we cannot do it all. It may be hard to ask but IMPORTANT to do So. Thank you for sharing.
Pastor Natalie recently posted…ARE WE USING OUR TIME WELL?
You are so right!
I have got into a much better night/sleep routine and it has made a world of difference. I don’t eat as well as I should so that’s nect on my list to tackle! Thanks for sharing what self-care practices work for you; this was very encouraging!
Molly @ Transatlantic Notes recently posted…Six Quotes To Nourish Your Mindset
I’m so glad it’s helped!
Self care us so important, but we tend to overlook it! Honestly its been the last few years that I had the chance to look back and see how much a lack of it has had its effects! I now take more time to eat better, staying hydrated and have more hobbies and take time when I need it x
Recognizing how important self care is the first step!
The more I practice it, the more I love having an evening routine. It helps me unwind and relax and start to feel drowsy before I fall asleep. It is also the time when I get everything else out of my head by writing it down, so it helps me focus more and worry less.
Love your tip for taking days off work! It is true; work does not care about us and sometimes we all need a day here and there where we can spend time on our hobbies, take a bath, and go easy.
Thanks for sharing!
Jaya Avendel recently posted…Somewhere on a Ranch in Japan
All if what you say is so true!
Having a hobby is definitely key. Than you!
You’re welcome!
Thank you so much for this enlightening post, I have significantly got some thing right here and I will bookmark this page for your next upcoming post.
Asking for help is something you might not think about when it comes to self-cvare- so I’m glad you’ve included it here 🙂
Eleanor recently posted…6 Simple Money-Saving Tips for Young People
The tips you share are definitely valuable. Personally i also value exersising and physical activity of major importance when it comes to self care. Thank you for this post!
Eri recently posted…Death Motivation – 8 Questions to Prove the Value of Death Motivation
Those are both important as well! Thanks for sharing that 😊
Hobbies are very important. I suffered when i didn’t take the time to do something fun. I feel more balanced now. Great post!
Pamela recently posted…Learn To Be Invincible During Venus Retrograde
Yes, hobbies really help with being balanced!
These are great self care habits! I have not been the best at self care lately and need to bring some more of it into my life. I’m especially bad at asking for help and Taking days off, but i know those are two things i really nEed to start doing more!
SArah recently posted…White Chocolate Peppermint Hot Chocolate Recipe
Oh I totally endorse taking days off!
These are great tIps! I regu take “mental health” daus from work to recharge. However, i could impro my eating Habits. Thank you for sharing!
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