I am book lover. I prefer to buy books rather than ebooks, even though I have purchased a lot of ebooks as well. I just love the look, the feel and the smell of real books. I have a huge library too. And sometimes, I do have to declutter my books. And as a book lover, this is never easy. Books are to be cherished. They hold the a little world inside of them, they capture your imagination and heart and spirit you away into lives and places of peoples you’d never otherwise connect with. They deepen our ability to emphasize, and help us understand how to relate to others better. Books are magical, and powerful so decluttering them is really hard. Believe me, I know.
So where do you begin when it’s time to clear your shelves a little? This is how I have approached de-cluttering books in the past. And trust me, I’m no minimalist when it comes to books. If anything, I’m a maximalist but I am also aware that sometimes it’s okay to let go.
Start with the DNF
This is the best place to start. Are there books on your shelves you started and didn’t finish reading, as in DNF or did not finish? Look at those books and ask yourself, why didn’t I finish this? Will I finish this? Do I even want to finish this? Those questions are going to help you decide whether or not the book should go into the pile of books to declutter. If you didn’t finish the book because it was boring, or you just hated something about it, and you don’t care to finish it, then declutter the book. These books will be easier to let go which is why I recommend starting with them.
Related Post: Why I’m Becoming More Minimal and You Should Too
Books You Have Not Read
I have lots of books on my shelves that I haven’t read. I’m not the sort of person that only buys books when I’m looking for something to read. I often buy them just because. It’s a book worm thing. I know I will read them eventually. But, sometimes books sit on my shelves for years and I don’t read them. Why? Well, interests change. I was very heavily into reading romance novels for about five years. I read 100 plus two years in a row. Then I slowed down a bit, but was still reading a crazy amount. I love the romance genre, but I kinda burned myself out reading all those romance books. I bought many that are sitting unread on my shelves, and in my e-reader. And a while back, I realized, I’d lost interest in ever reading some of those romance novels. If you have books on your shelves you haven’t read, ask yourself will I read this? It’s totally okay to declutter books if you think you are not going to read them because they simply don’t sound interesting to you anymore.
Multiple Copies
Have multiple copies of books? I sure do. Especially of the classics, as I bought them in university, but then the ones I truly loved I later bought again in really nice editions. You know, hardback with a leather cover or something really fancy and pretty like that. I could technically declutter the older editions I had bought for my courses back in my uni days. I haven’t as of yet, because to be honest this idea only just occurred to me, but it’s worth giving thought to I think. If you have more than one copy of a book, keep the copy that is most special to you. You really don’t need three copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, or Jane Eyre. Declutter books you have multiple copies of and free up some shelf space.
Do They Bring Me Joy?
I think the first three methods I’ve listed above are great for decluttering books, and are the easiest to start with. However, they are not likely to prune out a ton of books if you are really looking to declutter books in your home. I know it seems sad to reduce books. You always dreamed of having a huge library right? Well, the reality is, it’s easier to acquire a huge library than it used to be. What we ought focus on now as book lovers is curating a library of books we love and treasure. So my next decluttering tip is a bit Marie Kondo because I’m going to ask you to really look at the books you own and ask, do they bring me joy? Did reading a particular book really make you happy? How connected were you to the topics or characters? What did you learn from the book? Would you read it again? If you are like me, you might have tons books on your shelves that you read, liked, but don’t really value or love. These are books you can declutter. I know it seems like a shame, but you read the book, you liked it and while that’s great, if you aren’t seriously invested in what is between the pages, it is likely better to let the book go. Keep what you love best and always have books you love at your fingertips. That is the best kind of library to have in my opinion.
In Conclusion
I myself have decluttered books, and while it was very hard, I can honestly say I don’t miss any of the books I removed from my library. I think that when you really sit down and look the things you own, whether it’s clothes, decor or books, you can identify the things you really love and want in your life, and those that you don’t. Being more minimal really brings joy as when you only have things you use and love, you are more immersed in your life and in living than you are when you are surrounded by things just because–just because they were a gift, just because you spent money on it five years ago, just because it might be useful. So even though books are powerful and magical, if they aren’t sparking that joy, it’s totally okay to be more minimal about them. Even for book lovers.
Are you journeying into minimalism? Is decluttering books hard for your? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
I’m thinking of Sorting out my books. Good tip to ASK myself if they still bring me joy. 😀
Glad it was helpful!!
Such a helpful, and realistic post! I have such a problem when it comes to buying books, and even when I know I’ll probably never read something, I feel like i need to keep it. Thanks for sharing!
Allison recently posted…10 Summer Quotes for Warm Weather Lovers
Happens to everyone with all sorts of things, not just books.
This is helpful! I’m the bizarre reader who doesn’t buy books unless I’ve already read them first. I’m a library nerd and have been since I was a kid. So I only purchase books I love enough to read again! But since becoming a book blogger, I have received some books from PR that I wouldn’t necessarily purchase otherwise and for those, I usually put them in Little Free Libraries or sell to 2nd and Charles when I finish them!
Stephanie recently posted…Book Review: Bloody Spade by Brittany M. Willows
Those are good ideas too!
This is cool! I am a bit envious. I used to be a book Worm too. But i Couldnt bring my collection when i went to study abRoad. I can Use your tips now to determine when i wanna buy a new book!
Mandy Chan recently posted…Easy Tangy Instant Pot Tomato Clam Chowder
You certainly can, excellent idea!
Good tips! No.1 is the best for me. My room is full of books now. What to do? I just love books. They are my favorite things. Hehehe.
Fadima mOoneira recently posted…Five Reasons To Admire Park Seo Joon
Books are great, I totally agree!
I’m moving out this weekend and need all these tips to avoid clutter in my new place x
Eleanor Jones recently posted…15 Reasons to Start Your Own Blog
Oh, I’m so glad the tips will help you.
This post came at the perfect time. I am in the process of packing. We are moving in about a month and I’ve been trying to get scale down my book collection. I will DEFINITELY be using your tips. Thanks for sharing Giulia!
Tiffany McCullough – Metaphysical Mama recently posted…How to Create Good Habits: Everything You Need to Know
You’re the second person to tell me they are moving and going to use these tips to reduce their books! So glad the post is helping others ☺️
These are some really good tips! I’m a book hoarder and I feel like I need to do a declutter x
Della Driscoll recently posted…How to move on from a breakup | my top 10 tips
They are hard to let go of! Good luck.
This post offers some great ideas for the decluttering of excess books. I know a few book readers who really need to check this post out. I personally don’t have a large collection of books just because I have little to no extra time to dedicate to reading. I wish I did!
Shyla recently posted…13 Best Sensory Toys For Autistic Toddlers
So glad you enjoyed the post!
Great tips! It’s so easy to keep too many books. Anything I didn’t enjoy, especially if I didn’t finish, I’ll get rid of. Usually give to my Mum first then to charity or something!
Jenny in Neverland recently posted…10 Pieces of YOUR Best Confidence Advice
Good practice! Took me a while to figure it out myself lol
readandreviewit recently posted…That Weekend Review
Love that you found this helpful 😃
I’m very much the same in the sense I prefer to buy books than ebooks, I find them easier to read and I love having books on my shelves. These are really great tips, I have some books that just aren’t my taste anymore so they have been collecting dust for years. I really should give them to charity and that will free up some space.
Jordanne || Ofaglasgowgirl recently posted…Wild Camping at Yellowcraig Beach in Scotland
It is hard to let go but I encourage you to!
I don’t have this problem but my husband sure does. he buys books all the time and then never reads them so they pile up around the house. forwarding this post to him.
Brooke Ressell recently posted…Traveling With Kids: The Complete Guide For Parents
Uh oh; have I started something?? 🤣
I love these tips – really brilliant! I definitely have a few that I got years ago and aren’t into now. I think it’s great to expand your horizons but if they are sat there for a long time, you probably won’t end up reading them. xx
Exactly right hun!
Great tiPs! I Feel like i am forEver tryiNg to declutter my bookshelves a bit but neVer make any progress. I DEFINITELY have some Books i Have not read that i am still holding on too but don’t have much interesT in!
Sarah recently posted…Individual Peach Trifle Recipe | with Bourbon Mascarpone Whipped Cream
I hope you can de clutter soon then!
i have this problem as well so i can relate to the blog, thank you for sharing!
Farah Kareem recently posted…Myths that got debunked pt2
My pleasure!
No matter what I do i cannot get rid of any books! I’m attached
I totally understand!!
I always get tied up in knots emotionally when I try to declutter my books; I usually end up not doing it, haha! Thanks for this; it was a really useful post!
Molly | Transatlantic Notes recently posted…Supporting Black Health and Wellness Organizations
I know, it is emotional to declutter books for sure. It’s like throwing away a friend!
Great ideas! I need to start decluttering my bookshelves.
Good luck!
I have such a hard time getting rid of books. Even books I do not like or DNF! I think it’ll soon be time for me to do a declutter, and maybe sell them on thriftbooks or something? Great post! This’ll allow me to make room for more books I love!
Melina Elisa recently posted…3 Posts I’m Lovin’ | 37
I’m so glad it’s encouraged you to tackle your book declutter!
Decluttering as a book lover is so hard! Thank you so much for sharing these suggestions, I usually take books I no longer want to the local charity shop x
I have done that as well!
Awesome book decluttering tips! My biggest issue is amassing multiple copies of the same book. Books I cannot finish are also automatic goes, seconded only by books I finished but will never reread. 🙂
Jaya Avendel recently posted…Reviving Ophelia
Sounds very similar to what I do!