It’s been a year since I last posted here on the blog, and while this is a hobby blog now, that is a long time. Some of you might know I was putting more time and energy into my crochet blog, Pretty In Crochet, and but that’s not the only reason I haven’t been present…
Blooms in My Garden in May
There’s an old saying, “April showers bring May flowers” and May is certainly bursting with flowers. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll have seen me sharing many pictures of my garden in bloom. And I’ve been really delighted with everything that is blooming in the garden. I feel truly blessed that my husband and…
What’s In My Garden In April
Twenty years ago, I worked in a garden nursery, and ever since then I have wanted to garden. But life didn’t extend itself to me being in possession of a home with a garden for a great many years. But in the fall of 2023, my husband and I purchased a house. And it came…
Tips for Creating a Period Self Care Kit
Self care is so important. And at no time is it more important than when you are on your period. Menstruation is a natural part of a woman’s cycle, and one that has too long been seen by women as shameful, dirty, a burden, something to get through, and something to control when in fact,…
Tips for a Holistically Healthy January
January is a time for new beginnings. A new year marks a time to reset, to do better, to make goals and a new year is full of opportunities and potential. It therefore makes sense that everyone sets resolutions and that those resolutions are lofty and large. Of course, we all want to do better….
I Went for a Sleep Study-Here’s What You Should Expect
Recently, I went for a sleep study test. I sleep well at night, but my husband doesn’t–because my snoring keeps him awake. I hate having to admit that I snore because I hate that I snore. What is more annoying or offensive than snoring after all? But there it is, I snore. I didn’t always….
Youtube Channels I’m Really Diggin’
Over the past few years, I’ve really been watching a lot of Youtube and loving some of the channels I’ve found. I actually subscribe and watch the videos as they come out because I really like those channels and creators and want to keep up with the content they are putting out. There are plenty…
How Minimalism is Wasteful
Minimalism has a way of life being embraced by many, in many different ways. Some minimalists really stick to owning only what they need, while others have a different approach and try to live with less as much as possible. It’s a way of life that has become very attractive to those of us who…
The Stresses of Buying and Selling Your Home
I’m back again! If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’ll know that my husband and I decided to sell our condo and buy a house. An actual house with a yard, driveway and everything! We really were not in the market for this change, but we happened to find a house that was perfect,…
Why I’m Becoming a Hobby Blogger
It has been a hot minute (or two) since I’ve really blogged and you haven’t seen a lot of content from me in many months. I have talked about how adjusting to mommy life has contributed to this, and chasing around a little one is a ton of work, and very time consuming. It’s also…