It has been a hot minute (or two) since I’ve really blogged and you haven’t seen a lot of content from me in many months. I have talked about how adjusting to mommy life has contributed to this, and chasing around a little one is a ton of work, and very time consuming. It’s also extremely distracting to have a little one around. I’ve also talked about how I really do want to share more here on the blog; I have a lot of ideas and thoughts I want to share.
But another factor that has contributed to me not working on this blog is that I switched my blogging gears and decided to really focus on my other blog, Pretty In Crochet. I have been busy building that blog anew, engaging with the crochet community, crocheting and designing patterns and growing an Instagram audience.
Related Article: Turning My Hobby into a Blog
And so I have made the decision that Tidbits of Care will be a hobby blog for the foreseeable future. Two years ago, I could not have imagined making this decision as it was my goal and hope to really grow this platform into something much larger and I did throw myself into doing so. I worked with a blogging coach, learned how to promote my content, learned about SEO and God knows what else to help get this blog ranking and growing. And I’m so so proud of all of that hard work.
But I always knew that being a mom, working part time as a teacher, and running two blogs was a tall order. And while Baby J is a really good baby and toddler, he is still in the early years and needs lots of attention and care, which means other things get left by the wayside. Like cleaning. Or blogging.

I am hoping that this change will allow me to put out content a couple of times a month, and also to simplify my blog and goals to ones that more attainable and enjoyable. Blogging has always been a labour of love and of the heart, and while I wanted something different for this blog, I am still proud of what this blog is, and how much I’ve learned and grown as a blogger. I’m happy to continue to be a hobby blogger as that means I can still share my experiences and ideas and life with you without the pressure of being ultra niche, cranking out several posts a month and worrying about growth and SEO all the time.
What this Will Look Like
My plan is, as I said, to put out a couple of posts a month. I’ll also be doing my best to connect with you on Instagram so follow me there. I used to use Twitter a lot, but I don’t know what is happening on that platform and don’t like the feel of the app anymore. So check me on Instagram instead where I will share with stories and such.

My services and such will be removed from this blog slowly. I may do a slight re-brand but I hope to make it really simple and natural. I’m also doing this to make the back end of the blog function more smoothly and hopefully give you a friendlier user experience.
Otherwise, for the immediate future, everything will be exactly the same.
I’m really happy about this change and that all of this will allow me to share more content with you about personal growth, self care and other lifestyle posts too. So you might not see a post from me very soon but you will definitely be seeing content more often. I hope you’ll stick around for the next chapter of Tidbits of Care with me.
Be sure to follow me on Instagram to connect with me and stay up to date with my blog plans!
Wishing you all the best in finding the balance you need in your life right now! May the words flow.
Layla Todd recently posted…Still Life with Gaza
Thanks so much!