I have been tagged to participate in this Halloween question and answer by Courtney at The Okay Mommy and I am super thrilled to participate!
Here are the rules for the tag.
1. Thank the person who tagged you and link to their post.
2. Put the rules at the beginning or after introduction.
3. Answer the 13 questions.
4. Tag 13 people to do the tag.
5. Use these same Halloween questions, or create new ones of your own.
Let’s Get Started
What was your favourite Halloween costume as a kid?
I loved dressing up as witch. My mom cut up an old black skirt and bought me a witch’s hat and I loved being a witch every year. To be quite honest, I still love dressing as a witch.

Do you believe in ghosts?
Oh yes. I don’t believe that I can’t believe when we don’t really know. And I’ve heard too many a spooky tale for me to doubt.
Haunted Houses, let’s go or nope?
Definitely! I have gone to haunted places before, but honestly I have never seen a ghost. However, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to see these haunted houses in the future.
What is your favourite fall activity?
A walk anywhere where the trees are glorious, adorned with red and orange and yellow.
Have you ever used a Ouija board? Did anything happen?
Oh no, now this is something I will not do. You do not know what you are summoning when you use something like this. It could simply be grandma or it could be something much more sinister. This is a hard no.
Do you prefer scary Halloween movies? Or fun, family fun movies?
Honestly, I’ll watch both. But I have really gotten into horror/scary movies lately. I love The Conjuring for instance, but I also love movies like Sleepy Hallow and Hocus Pocus. All perfect for Halloween in my opinion.
Would you spend the night in a haunted house? What if someone paid you to?

This would really depend on the history of the house. But I’m leaning more towards no. Hauntings sound like fun experiences–who doesn’t like to be scared, to some degree? But honestly, I don’t want some angry spirit attaching itself to me. Or something much worse either. I got enough stress, thank you very much.
What is your favourite Halloween movies?
I actually stated them above! Three of my favourites are The Conjuring, Hocus Pocus and Sleepy Hallow.
Do you have a favourite Halloween memory?
Honestly, no.
What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
Probably move out on my own, I was terrified to tell my parents I wanted to move out, but other than that…nothing very ghoulish.

I am Tagging (Haunting) You
Charolette from Charolette’s Space. Her blog is a work of art in my opinion, in case you want to check it out.
Mrs. P&P from Projects and Problems. Her blog is a lot of fun to read! Plus, she’s great to chat with.
Em from Love, Em. Her blog is amazing! There really is something for everyone there.
Jessie from Jessie At Home. I’ve followed Jessie for a long time and love her patterns and creativity.
Ashleigh from Ashleigh’s Moments. As someone interested in becoming a mom, I love her content because it’s versatile.
Gabby from Gabbyabigaill. This blog is so polished and I love the content. I also love the positive and inspiring tweets from this fab woman.
Katie from Life with Ktkinnes. Katie has such a fun blog and is so hard working!
Nancy from Exquisitely Me. I really like this blog. The photos especially capture me and the content is right on point.
Em from Planning with Em. Love the content; it’s got something for everyone but I love that it’s got tons for me.
Wake Up and Blog. Your go to blog for all things blog and blog tool related.
Brooke from Blues to Bliss. I love her passion for life and encouraging others to live their best life.
Meg from Eco-Friendly Meg. A breath of fresh air! Tips and information on how to be eco-friendly.
B from Mind Beauty Simplicity. I am trying to learn more simply and so her content is interesting food for thought.
Your Questions
I really thought the questions asked by Courtney were awesome, so why re-invent the wheel? Get busy my haunted bloggers.
I really hope you enjoyed the post. I thought of it as a writing challenge in a way, and a chance for you to get to know me better. Share your thoughts below on haunted houses, ghosts and everything Halloween.
Oh this is so much fun! What a cool idea for October!
Glad you enjoyed the post!